Class Text
Class Text
A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Did you remember our class text? I certainly didn't. This verse still holds true today. As we graduated in 1973, we all had dreams and plans for our future. Now, 50 years later, looking back I'm sure that for many of us, our plans didn't go as we expected. Among all the good times, we've each had many sorrows and heartbreaks. Some losses and hard times were sometimes almost more than we could bear. Thankfully, the one thing that we all have in common is that each of our parents chose to give us a Christian education at Calvin Christian High School. As our class text says, The Lord directs his steps. It is by our faith and the promises of God, that we can trust, that the paths we have taken and the joys and sorrows that we have experienced, are all in God's Hands. We can rejoice, that there will come a day, that we will be reunited with our fellow classmates, spouses, children, parents, family and friends in Heaven.